Tuesday, April 1, 2008

You defend it with a poor rationale...

So I had this surprisingly lovely day today - despite the fact that I spent half my day running on a clock that happened to be an hour behind and it was completely without my knowledge util 3:27/4:27! I got this surprise/random visit from Carless (Carly) at 2 in the morning. We had fun and she met Barret and we did some wonderfully illegal things to a conveniently abandoned gas station aaaand then she remembered that she forgot to get a transfer ticket/something that enabled her to get on a plane home. So she spent the rest of the 3 hours she was here freaking out/sleeping/more quiet freaking out in her sleep via mumbling complaints. Still good, though - gotta see Carly! And today all these Poly guys with guitars and musical talent jammed in our class for like a half hour and one of them even rapped. He was beautiful. I gotta get me one of those...

Oh, uhh... I hate www.rideuta.com I feel that the site was created by the mentally hilarious/realistically retarded. When I'm on your damn bus site looking for bus routes, I don't want to know the effing history. I want the present. I want to know where your buses go and times, not when the very large, architecturally impressive warehouse for housing busses was built, or who founded it. Dead John Doe who lives in a cool glass dome is not going to get me to the airport >:[

And for you BYU readers (Cough, aka all of you, sadly) keep an eye out for the exceptionally ridiculous Daily Universe article - should'nt be too difficult. I know you know what I'm talking about.

Lyrics of the day:
I am not your friend.
I'm not your lover.
I'm not your family.

-Brand New, Sowing Season

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